With new advances in 4.0 technology, the digital real estate ecosystem mainly focuses on solving 4 major problems of the traditional real estate market, including: Capital, management, exploitation and supply chain in the industry.
Regarding the capital, when putting the real estate assets on the ecosystem, it’ll help the owner to efficiently exploit the investment. Furthermore, with the professional capacity of the asset management company as well as the AI assessment and appraisal platform, it will bring about optimal capital flow efficiency, opportune investment and matching with the needs of the market.
Regarding management, the digital platform has eliminated all of the cumbersome procedures in traditional transactions. So instead of having to wait for notarization procedures, purchase and pay the full value of real estate assets, the real estate property owner only needs to confirm the ANFT property certificate.
Regarding the exploitation, digital real estate asset exploitation will have higher efficiency rate, especially when the ecosystem is fully applied with the exploitation activities, helping to flexibly transfer asset value on the market.
Regarding the supply chain, when all types of real estate are digitized, the digital real estate ecosystem will be a giant “online real estate market”, where real estate products can be flexibly purchased and transacted in the fastest way as all procedures are shortened. And notably, transparency – a factor of top concern to all investors when pouring capital into any channel.